To enter the system, click on the “Globe” logo, which is located in the center of the screen.
You will be offered two options: Login for GUESTS without a password only to view the data and Login for the AUTHOR with all rights.
This is a guest guide.
GUEST LOGIN (data view only)
Your E-mail is requested to enter.
If you are logging into the system for the first time, then the entered address must be confirmed (registered).
To do this, a one-time code is sent to this address. If you entered YOUR address correctly, you will receive a code.
Enter this code into the offered window. Your address will be registered, entered into the database of guests' addresses, and in the future you can enter this address. you will be able to log in at this address.
Basic information
We have posted this guide on the assumption that you know what a classification system is.
If this is not the case, then there is no point in reading this guide.
If you are still interested, we recommend that you read the annotation first.
After logging in, you will see a picture on the screen. The picture shows information about the classification tree.
The information about the whole tree can be very large. One of the most important tasks of a computer system is to provide the user with convenient and visual means of viewing the fragments of the classification tree.
The first three lines of the screen are occupied by buttons for controlling these tools. Below the buttons in the table there is a fragment of the tree and basic information about this fragment.
In the figure, we will show what this fragment is.
The fragment contains colored vertices.
Red - vertices with one predecessor. The blue ones are the predecessors that form the path to the root.
One of the red vertices is active (highlighted). It is additionally marked in the figure.
How is information about the vertices of the fragment placed on the computer screen?
The names of the vertices are written in the rows of the table, located under the third blue line, on which the menu buttons are located.
The blue vertices are written in the lines at the top of the table. The text is placed in stages and shifted to the right with transition to the lower level. The text color is blue, italic.
The blue vertices show the path from the root to the selected one. And nothing more.
The red vertices are placed after the blue ones. These are vertices of the same level. They are equal and written in the same font. The active (selected) vertex is highlighted with a brighter background color. Sometimes a bright color is called a "cursor".
There are three columns in front of the name in the rows of the table.
The first column contains the "identification number". This is the ordinal number of the vertex in the database.
Let's call the line (vertex) sometimes "ITEM".
The second column contains information about whether this item has SUBITEMS. If so, then the second column has an arrow pointing to the right.
To the left of the table with the names of the items is the information for this fragment:
Differentiating criterion
Name and diagnostic criteria of landscapes
Name and diagnostic criteria of soils
The buttons are squares with a short name. Or an underlined name.
When you hover over a button, it turns into a "hand" (a hand cursor), and a tooltip appears under the button.
Let's dwell on the buttons in more detail.
RUS (or R) - set the Russian language
EN (or L) - set the English language
Exit – the end of the session
List - display all vertices
Ent - show the comment (if it was entered)
Info - open the additional information table
SEARCH - jump to the vertex by the context in the name or by identification number
← , → - movement along the vertices of the same level
↑ , ↓ - transition from one level to another
ESC - reset all
Help - open the manual